Thursday, February 21, 2013

Yet Another Kindergarten Digital Story--Literacy Project


  1. I love this! My kiddos are writing animal reports and I've told them we can make digital stories of them also. It has made them so excited that they want to do an even better job on their actual report. Bonus!

  2. Even though your kids are younger, I bet I could still get some of my students really excited about digital storytelling. It would actually be a really great way to encourage collaboration too, especially at my grade level. I can imagine my kids working together, having one person be the writer and the other the artist...

    1. It might be a great way to promote peer editing and revising. Through this you really get the idea of "does it sound right."

  3. I can only imagine how much your little guys enjoy adding narration to their stories. What an authentic way to publish their work! I'm sure parents must love listening to these precious keepsakes, too!

  4. This is awesome! Great job Kel. I bet the kids loved doing this too

  5. This great Kelly! I could definitely use this in my classroom as a way to differniate. Thank you for sharing:)

  6. This was really neat! It's cool to hear the students telling their stories rather than reading them from paper. I'm sure they had a lot of fun with it, too. Did you have a day when you shared all of their stories with the class?

    1. Hi Diana...we haven't had the opportunity to share just yet as I went out on maternity leave soon after the stories were created. However, we have an Author's Tea coming up in April and it will be a perfect time to showcase student work with the class and their families.

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